A Beggar or, The Life of A Beggar
The man who begs alms from the people in the street and different area is called a beggar. A beggar is a familiar figure to the people of towns and cities. A street beggar is normally seen beside the street, in the market place or at the gate of mosques. He is very shabbily dressed. He puts on dirty and torn out clothes. Sometimes, he wears a cap on his head. Some of them are blind or lame or dumb. A beggar ignores the hot sun or bitter cold. As he is physically crippled or handicapped, he has no other source of income. So he takes to begging as the only means of earning money. He stretches his arm or begging bowl towards the passers-by and begs alms. He entreats in a very sad or pathetic voice. A blind beggar keeps someone with him to guide him. In busy streets, beggars are found at traffic signals to beg from the passengers or drivers of vehicles. Begging is a curse to our society. The Government should rehabilitate the beggars.
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