Paragraph : Early Rising, , SSC, HSC, in 200 words

Early Rising

Early Rising প্রত্যুষে উঠা

Early rising means to get up from bed early in the morning. It can be made into a habit by the way of going early to bed and rising early regularly. It is a good habit. It helps us in various ways. There is an English proverb: 'Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise'. An early riser can have enough time to start his day's work nicely. He can finish a lot of works before others get up. Work done early in the morning is well done. On the other hand, late risers cannot finish their work properly. They fail to do their works in time. One can enjoy the beauty of nature in the early morning. Nature smiles in the morning with colourful flowers, green leaves and the chirping of birds. This beauty reminds everybody of the Creator. One feels like praying to Cod. The Muslims offer 'Fazr' prayer in the early morning. This gives them peace of mind. In the morning, the mind and the body remain fresh. An early riser can take physical exercise in the morning breeze. Thus, he can finish all his work well in time. In this regard, early rising is quite beneficial to health. So, he will not be late for going to bed and will enjoy a sound sleep. After a restful sleep throughout the night, he will rise early the next morning to begin the work of another day. So, early rising is a good habit and everyone should form this habit considering its manifold benefits.

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