A Sunset Scene
singin The setting sun shows a delightful scene to everybody. At sunset, the natural objects liked-trees and plants, crops and creepers, rivers and seas assume a golden glow. In the eye of a nature loving poet, the narration of the sunset scene is heart throbbing indeed. From the east it goes towards the west and the bigger and redder looks. Going to the western horizon, the sun takes a crimson red form. When the sun reflects through the rivers, canals and ponds, seem to enshrine in their bosoms a golden ball without stretched lustre of liquid fire. All these constitute a charming sight to see. The flight of birds through the reddish colour to go back to their nesting places is an extra dimension of beauty, charm and romance to the callous minded people who become spell bound, at times, by the colourful magic of the setting sun. The sun gradually sinks below and the night descends with a pale of darkness. However, in the true sense of term, it may be admitted without any excuse that sunset scene is impossible for an ordinary man to describe. I enjoy the captivating beauty of a sunset scene very much.
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