Best quotes of Du Fu

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  1. ⛥ Two gulls drift slowly up the river. Vulnerable while they ride the wind, they coast and glide with ease. Dew is heavy on the grass below, the spider's web is ready. Heaven's ways include the human: among a thousand sorrows, I stand alone.

  2. ⛥ Shine: clear dew aching with light.

  3. ⛥ e choked down, but separation in life is a long anguish, Chiang-nan is a pestilential land; no word from you there in exile. You have been in my dreams, old friend, as if knowing how much I miss you. Caught in a net, how is it you still have wings? I fear you are no longer mortal; the distance to here is enormous. When your spirit came, the maples were green; when it went, the passes were black. The setting moon spills light on the rafters; for a moment I think it's your face. The waters are deep, the waves wide; don't let the river gods take you.

  4. ⛥ My path is full of petals–I have swept it for no others. My thatch gate has been closed–but opens now for you. It’s a long way to the market, I can offer you little– Yet here in my cottage there is old wine for our cups. Du Fu

  5. ⛥ Wind, light and time ever revolve; Let us then enjoy life as best we can." from "The Winding River

  6. ⛥ it’s all one single grief.

  7. ⛥ Drifting, drifting,/ what am I more than/ a single gull/ between sky and earth?

  8. ⛥ Beneath the light, the river and hills are beautiful, The spring breeze bears the fragrance of flowers and grass. The mud has thawed, and swallows fly around. On the warm sand, mandarin ducks are sleeping Du Fu

  9. ⛥ News comes from nowhere.

  10. ⛥ Two yellow orioles sing under emerald willows One line of White Egrets ascends clear skies Window frames Western riged snow of a thousand autumns Door moors Eastern Wu a boat of ten-thousand li

  11. ⛥ Who changes, who even slows this dead dazzling drunk in the wings of life we live?

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